Wednesday, June 12, 2013

32 Weeks

Wow- 8 months pregnant already! I really don't know where the time has gone.

I had my 32 week visit with Dr. Deprez on 6/11/13. I didn't have a great start to the day. From the moment I woke up I was nauseous and really felt pretty poorly. I started to get a little nervous as it didn't get any better. One of the nurses at the nursing home took my BP and it was a bit high for me. I moved up my appointment with Dr. Deprez from 4pm to 2pm. I wasn't feeling any better once I got there but thankfully my BP was back down to normal at 108/60. I had trace protein in my urine which he assured me was normal. The baby's heartbeat sounded great and I measured exactly 32 weeks. My weight popped up 6lbs this time around, probably making up for the 2 lbs last month. After asking me several questions, Dr. Deprez' impression was that there was no need for concern. He couldn't explain the nausea but did ask me to call him if it wasn't better. After lots of rest when I got home and a good nights sleep I woke up feeling better.

Some days I feel so great and have lots of energy and other days I feel like I can barely move. "Baby Godzilla" as I affectionately call her, is moving so much and really feels huge sometimes. Today I was quite uncomfortable with lots of pressure and jabs in the rib and the bladder simultaneously. Other than the typical discomforts of pregnancy I am doing well.

I have purchased most of the things I determined I needed. Now we are just waiting for the furniture to be delivered in the next couple of weeks but more importantly I am waiting for dada to finish school so the room can really be completed!

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